Cloud and DevOps

Cloud and Infrastructure Cost Optimizations

If you are spending over $50k a month on clouds (AWS, GCP) AND you have never have experts look into cost optimization, you are missing out on saving at least 10% a month, more likely around 20% of your total cloud spending.

How do we know? Because we have done it over and over for our clients.

Our unique skill set extends beyond what automated tools can offer. Leveraging human intelligence, we can significantly reduce operational costs and optimize your cloud infrastructure. We thoroughly analyze your cloud environment, implement targeted optimizations, and utilize cloud-native solutions to enhance efficiency and scalability. One notable example from our project showcase highlights a cost-saving of about $3 million per year.

Also, if we do not prove it to you, our services are free. You simply pay us a percentage of your cost savings.

Are you interested in reducing your cloud costs?

Book a call or send us an email today!